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1. This website is owned and operated by Epicure Group Limited. These Terms set forth the terms and conditions under which you may use our website and services as offered by us. This website offers visitors online shopping of our products. By accessing or using the website of our service, you approve that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms. 本網站由 Epicure Group Limited 擁有和運營。 這些條款規定了您可以使用我們提供的網站和服務的條款和條件。 本網站為訪問者提供我們產品的在線購物服務。 通過訪問或使用我們服務的網站,您同意您已閱讀、理解並同意受這些條款的約束。 2. When buying an item, you agree that: (i) you are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a commitment to buy it: (ii) you enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item and you complete the check-out payment process. 購買商品時,您同意:(i) 在做出購買承諾之前,您有責任閱讀完整的商品清單:(ii) 您在承諾購買及完成結帳付款流程時等於簽訂了具有法律約束力的購買合同。 3. The prices we charge for our products are listed on the website. We reserve the right to change our prices for products displayed at any time, and to correct pricing errors that may inadvertently occur. Additional information about pricing and sales tax is available on the payments page. 網站上列出了我們的產品的價格。 我們保留隨時更改所展示產品的價格並糾正可能無意中發生的定價錯誤的權利。 付款頁面上提供了有關定價和銷售稅的更多信息。 4. We reserve the right to modify these terms from time to time at our sole discretion. Therefore, you should review these page periodically. When we change the Terms in a material manner, we will notify you that material changes have been made to the Terms. Your continued use of the Website or our service after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms. If you do not agree to any of these terms or any future version of the Terms, do not use or access (or continue to access) the website or the service. 我們保留自行決定不時修改這些條款的權利。 因此,您應該定期查看這些頁面。 當我們以重大方式更改條款時,我們會通知您對條款進行了重大更改。 您在任何此類更改後繼續使用本網站或我們的服務即表示您接受新條款。 如果您不同意任何這些條款或任何未來版本的條款,請勿使用或訪問(或繼續訪問)網站或服務。 5. You agree to receive from time to time promotional messages and materials from us, by mail, email or any other contact form you may provide us with (including your phone number for calls or text messages). If you don't want to receive such promotional materials or notices – please just notify us at any time. 您同意不時通過郵件、電子郵件或您可能向我們提供的任何其他聯繫表格(包括您的電話號碼或短信)接收我們的促銷信息和材料。 如果您不想收到此類宣傳材料或通知,請隨時通知我們。 6. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Epicure Group Limited, be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, arising out of or relating to the use of, or inability to use, the service. 在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,在任何情況下,Epicure Group Limited均不對任何間接的、懲罰性的、附帶的、特殊的、後果性的或懲戒性的損害負責,包括但不限於利潤、商譽、使用、數據損失的損害賠償 或其他因使用或無法使用服務而引起或與之相關的無形損失。 7. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Epicure Group Limited assumes no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content; (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to or use of our service; and (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein. 在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,Epicure Group Limited對任何 (i) 內容的錯誤、錯誤或不准確不承擔任何責任或義務; (ii) 由於您訪問或使用我們的服務而導致的任何性質的人身傷害或財產損失; (iii) 未經授權訪問或使用我們的安全服務器和/或其中存儲的任何和所有個人信息。 8. These Terms, the rights and remedies provided hereunder, and any and all claims and disputes related hereto and/or to the services, shall be governed by, construed under and enforced in all respects solely and exclusively in accordance with the internal substantive laws of Hong Kong, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Any and all such claims and disputes shall be brought in, and you hereby consent to them being decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Hong Kong. The application of the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is hereby expressly excluded. 本條款、本條款項下提供的權利和補救措施,以及與本條款和/或服務相關的任何和所有索賠和爭議,均應僅根據香港的內部實體法在所有方面受其管轄、解釋和執行。不考慮其法律衝突原則。 任何及所有此類索賠和爭議均應提出,您在此同意由位於香港的具有司法管轄權的法院獨家裁決。 特此明確排除《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。 9. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions. 本章則之英文本與中文譯本之文義如有歧異,概以英文本為準。

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