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Hirota Glass was established in Tokyo in 1899. It is one of the oldest glass manufacturers in Tokyo. With the changes of the times, machine-made glass products once affected the sales of hand-made glass in Japan, resulting to the decline of traditional Japanese glass craftsmanship. However, Hirota Glass still uses traditional techniques hoping to pass on hand-made glass craftsmanship with the vision to "continuous production with the consistent hand-made glass technology, to create glass products that can convey human sensibility and warmth."

The unique iron black of this sake vessel combines the image of fashion and masculinity, enriching the gentleness and softness of sake.

  • Cup Sizeφ5.5×8.7x9.5cmH
  • Capacity300ml

廣田硝子於1899年在東京成立。 它是東京最古老的玻璃製造商之一。隨著時代變遷,由機器製作的玻璃製品一度影響了日本手工玻璃的銷售,導致日本的傳統玻璃手藝慢慢式微,但廣田硝子至今仍使用傳統技術,目的就是希望將手工玻璃工藝傳承下去,希望能承傳品牌宗旨:「以一貫的手作硝子工藝技術持續製作,製造出能傳遞人的感性及有溫度的硝子製品。」


  • 尺寸:φ5.5×8.7Wx9.5cmH
  • 容量:300ml

廣田硝子 大正浪漫花蕾杯 Glass

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