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PURE KOMACHI 2 is a series created by KAI's persistent pursuit of quality by using cutting-edge technology and cutting tool production technology with a history of more than 100 years.

In the Kai Komachi knife line, the blades are made of a high-carbon stainless steel that allows the edge to maintain its durability and sharpness for longer periods of time. Additionally, each blade features a non-stick, food-safe color coating for fashionable and efficient cutting. And as each type of knife has its own unique color; this helps to prevent the accidental cross contamination of foods when preparing meals.

PURE KOMACHI 2是貝印KAI)利用前沿科技以及擁有超過100年歷史的刀具生產技術,對品質執著追求下所誕生的系列。

Kai Komachi 刀具系列中,刀片由高碳不銹鋼製成,使刀刃能夠更長時間地保持其耐用性和鋒利度。 此外,每個刀片均採用不粘、食品安全的彩色塗層,可實現時尚高效的切割。 由於每種類型的刀都有自己獨特的顏色; 這有助於防止在準備膳食時意外交叉污染食物。

Kai Pure Komachi 2 Kitchen Knife

PriceFrom HK$393.00
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