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Cancelled the rainforest trip? Forgot to go to the zoo? It doesn't matter. Kikkerland brings you a new world with this interesting kitchen scissors. This kitchen scissors can cut meat and vegetables. It has a soft handle and a built-in corkscrew. The cover of the kitchen scissors is magnetic and can be fixed on the refrigerator. The kitchen immediately becomes a tropical rain forest.

取消了熱帶雨林的旅行?忘了去動物園? 不要緊, Kikkerland憑藉這款有趣的廚房剪刀為您帶來了一片新天地。此款廚房剪刀能夠剪肉類和蔬菜,手柄柔軟,並內置開瓶器,廚房剪刀的蓋有磁性,可以固定在冰箱上, 廚房馬上變身成為熱帶雨林

Kikkerland Toucan Kitchen Shears

SKU: 000240
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